Thursday, January 28, 2010

Fuck Kansas and your little dog too.

This week has been a productive one for blogging. If you're an avid reader of this blog, then you'll know that earlier on this week I felt as if a storm was headed my way. I couldn't put my finger on it, but I had this terrible panic inside my chest. Something uncomfortable was coming. I could feel it.

Uncomfortable is a huuuuugemotherfuckingunderstatement.

Today my dad got laid off in the January rift at ATK. I'm panicked inside. I know it doesn't do any good to sit and worry my little head off, but I can't help it. I know there's nothing I can do, but that's so hard to accept. There must be SOMETHING I could do or help with.

2010, Honestly? I thought we had an understanding that you weren't going to be a complete asshole like '09 was. It's been 28 motherfuckingdays and here you go, being a total douche. Ya know, I really had a good feeling about you. I rang you in feeling strangely optimistic about things. But ever since you've been here you've kept me really busy with studying new laws that affect my career, or reading books that make me google every other word to discover their definition, or working off my 10 pound-holiday-booze-n-food-appaloosa. What good are the holidays without Bourbon, nachos and chicken wings though?

Pointless. Purely pointless.

Here's to yet, another year of bullshit sayings like "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" or "This is a blessing in disguise" or "When one door closes another one opens" or "Don't shit where you lay your head cuz you'll get pink eye and pink eye is so not in right now!" --I know, Right?
