Tuesday, October 27, 2009


ATK (douche hole located in the middle of Podunk) recently did layoffs. Shocker, I know. My husband was one of the casualties. I've fully completed the five stages of grief.

1.) Denial.
Me: You got cut, huh?
Brad: Yup.
Me: No, You're fucking kidding, right?!
Brad: Nope.
Me: No fucking way?!
Me: No, you're seriously joking!?! Right, RIGHT?!

2.) Anger
Me: What asshats! Atk can suck it. I hate that place.
Brad: Silence.
Me: Seriously, Atk can kiss my cellulite ridden ass! Fuck them! Who needs them, anyway?!
Brad: Silence.

3.) Bargaining
Me: How much do you think we could sell the house for?
Brad: Erica, You're being completely...
Me: What about the end tables!? They're good lookin' end tables, I bet we could sell those.
Brad: Silence.
Me: The DOGS! We paid damn good money for those two assholes, I bet we could at least get what we paid for them, AND no more buying dog food or paying for their shots!
Brad: Seriously, You're an idiot.

4.) Depression.

Please refer to the "Big bag of assholes" post or the "Amendment post"
Both equally delightful.

5.) Acceptance.
There isn't anything I can do about my husband being laid off. It's completely out of my control. However I'm not the type of girl to idly stand by in hopes that we really will be OK. From a very young age I learned that you need to take matters into your own hands and that it never hurts to have a game plan. With that said, I'm going back to Bar tending. I work some hellacious hours this week just to get re-trained, but I'm sure once this week is over my schedule will be manageable between both "day-time-big-girl-career" and moonlighting at the local pub.
Wish me luck.

Unemployment, You picked the wrong bitch to mess with.


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