Monday, August 23, 2010

Punching breakdowns in the face one by one.

My mind has been an interesting and confusing place lately.
I've been trying to think of things that have occurred that one might dub "blog worthy" but I haven't had much luck really connecting with one individual instance.

I feel like I'm in a thought propelled tornado.

I have been doing a lot of reflecting upon past events and thinking and wondering about new ones.
I'm also trying to mentally prepare myself for some changes that will be happening soon.
I've been analyzing friendships and have come to the conclusion that I have some that are completely one way.

The last few weeks have been very challenging. I feel like my emotional strength, along with my sanity have been tested in multiple ways.

At the end of the day I'd like to say that I am a truly blessed woman and I couldn't be more forturnate.

So, God.... Universe.... Alla.... Whoever or whatever may be out there.
I would like to say Thank you.

Thank you for giving me my health so that I'm physically able to work my ass off.
Thank you for the challenges you've given me over the past few weeks. It's helped me realize what a tough bitch I really am, and as much as I don't want everything that's on my plate right now, I'm strong enough to handle it. With an unlimited supply of whiskey.
Thank you for the wonderful, beautiful, amazing people you've filled my life with. They are my strength, support and relief in life.

Things are moderate right now and I'm still breathing.

If I can't appreciate that, then I'm an asshole.